User agreement.

Age restrictions.

While entering this website you agree that you are 18 years old or more, you assume responsibility for your own actions and you are capable and also you exempt and their service providers from any responsibility. You assume that you know about the maintenance of content presented on the website that you aren't offended by such content and that you freely and voluntarily without any compulsion of the third parties get access to the website.

Rules of conduct on the website.

The website doesn't aim at comparison of this or that model in any parameters. We urge validly and it is the most correct to express own opinion on what was seen in wishes. Otherwise there can be a blocking of the account without warning. Remember that behind each model profile stand real person. Please, remember that people from different countries, religions, races and sexual preferences have different beliefs or preferences with which you can disagree.


All images and video on the website are protected by copyright of Copying, resale, publication, sale and/or other form of redistribution of any content on websites, networks of file exchange, groups of news or any other carriers without our permission contradicts the law. will initiate legal claims against any copyright infringement. The illegal publication will lead to lifelong blocking of your account on the website and impossibility to return the means spent earlier for purchase and opening the site content.


All actresses, actors, models and other persons who appear on any visual image on the website at the time of the publication have aged 18 years or more. Also all our models and characters take part in shootings on a voluntary basis.

Membership, credits and payment methods.

The registered participants get access to the blocked media content and additional functions of the website after payment by means of on-site currency of "credits". The simplest and intuitive scheme of purchase of the internal credits minimizes chances for users mistake during all monetary operations on the website. The internal credits can be filled up by means of PayPal, VISA, Mastercard, YandexMoney. doesn't bear responsibility for technical problems of users, such as: slow connection, reproduction, etc.

Viewing of multimedia. provides content of a photo and video on demand for online viewing. At present the opportunity for downloading of content from the website on any types of digital carriers isn't given.


Because of the nature of digital content we can't provide return of means or rebalancing of internal currency of the website in any kind. The participant of the website can close the account at any time, having chosen "My account" / "To remove the account". All personal data will be removed. All credits will not be returned. The administrators can stop or deactivate the account of the user with the prior notice or without it, if: the administrator considers that you have violated any paragraph of rules of the present Statement and terms of service.

Problems of access and password.

Password exchange of users at forums, sharing of passwords will lead to constant and immediate closing of the account. The section "Have Forgotten the Password" can be found in the section "Login"

Confidentiality. doesn't transfer personal data of the user, the e-mail address, the IP address to the third parties. The maximum information on the model will be provided at the request of the model. (Account in social nets, etc.). The member of the website will receive e-mail from administration of the website only in case of support of clients, problems with invoicing or the notifications selected by the user.


Materials from the website are classified as material for adults. The website offers online and entertaining services which in some countries and religions can cause discontent or insult. doesn't mean to offend or diminish the dignity as separately taken person, and the population with different views on religion, humanity, and other.